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Not Mud and Not Lotus - Then what

Recovery Tip of the Day:

When I first came to recovery, I craved and clung to the idea of going from a version 1.0 to a 2.0 version of myself. It was because I had so much guilt, shame, and resentments about my life not just in active addiction, but also the early years of my recovery, and the ways I could still fight the love, help, care and healthy support of others.

What my sponsor had taught me through the years was not to get rid of what I lived through, but as a result of the work to change and rearrange how those things live within me, and how I express them today. As my sponsor said, "Yes, you are an NA member. But we are not indifferent or intolerant of AA and the spiritual truth such as, 'we will not regret our pass, nor shut the door on it.' We're using our experiences and lessons to be healthier people, and as a matter of experience, strength, and practice of recovery, help others still suffering to end theirs."

The invitation is to compost our past... our wounds... the unhealthy conditioning, the energy we put into our guilt... shame... and resentments... the confusing, and the cards we've been dealt through intersecting karma and grow something healthier... more mature... kinder... from our composted nature through our practice of Recovery. Not mud, not lotus.

一Dignity and Grace

PS… Not mud, not lotus… very intentional. If not this or that… then what?

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